понедельник, 15 февраля 2021 г.

Mercury Retrograde: What you Need to Know to Navigate it with Ease

You may have noticed that people make a lot of fuss about Mercury Retrograde.

It tends to get a bad reputation that makes people freak out as though the sky is falling down! I’ve seen a lot of social media meltdowns attributed to Mercury in Retrograde. And yes, Mercury Retrograde can cause technological challenges, delays, communication issues, and disappearing emails… BUT while these are all factors to be aware of during Mercury Retrograde, you absolutely don’t have to dread this time!

Instead of getting anxious about Mercury Retrograde, remember the saying ‘forewarned is forearmed’ and get to know the details of what this 3-week period means astrologically so that you can be ready to navigate the flow with ease.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

When a planet passes the Earth as it orbits the Sun, it is in retrograde. The term “retrograde” describes the backward movement of a planet, but obviously, the planets are not really moving backward; they just appear to be moving further away to our vantage point here on Earth.

Think of a planet in retrograde as a planet that is not fully expressing its unique energy, almost as though it is on pause, or has gone to sleep. If we try to push against that energy, it can be exhausting and very counterproductive, as though we are going against the natural flow of the Universe.

Every planet goes through a retrograde, but Mercury is the planet usually given the most focus, perhaps because it goes through a retrograde lasting 19-25 days three times a year.

Mercury is known as the messenger and controls communication, technology, and contracts. That’s why when it’s in retrograde, we are more likely to experience technical hiccups, communication problems, and delays or travel issues. As Mercury also rules contracts, astrologers generally advise that we avoid signing off on contracts, making business deals, or big purchases at this time. Anything that you sign off on or instigate/ negotiate during a retrograde could be subject to delays, miscommunication, or sudden changes.

What does this first Mercury Retrograde mean in 2021?


The first Mercury Retrograde of 2021 began on January 30th and ends on February 20th in Aquarius.

Mercury has had its retrograde cycle predominantly in water signs over the last few years; however, throughout 2021, it is taking place in air signs.

Air and earth are Mercury’s two ruling elements; the fact that it is retrograding in air signs can mean that the experience of this cycle is felt extra intensely.

Mental Energy

Air signs are about clarity, so this cycle may induce feelings of confusion, mental fog, and overthinking. With Mercury entering retrograde, we’ll need to be extra careful that we are not letting our thoughts overwhelm us or trap us into over-thinking.

It’s a time to work hard to stay intuitive and aware of what’s running through our minds so that we don’t get lost in thought cycles or repetitive patterns that do not serve us.

However, if something important keeps coming up in your mind during this time, it could also be a sign of something making itself known to you. Perhaps a nudge from the Universe towards something you need to pay more attention to or address.

The Key – Is being able to discern between mental chatter that distracts you and observing what needs to be looked at and released or dealt with.

It’s a balancing act between mental stillness and conscious awareness. A chance to sharpen intuition, with instinct and improve our ability to hear the voice of our higher selves talking.

Meditation will be your best friend during this time.

What the Mercury Retrograde Vibe Means in Aquarius

Remember that Aquarius is progressive, futuristic, and humanitarian. It celebrates the collective and loves technology and science. It’s independent, free-spirited, and unconventional.

So Mercury in retrograde in Aquarius emphasizes a need to revise and review these themes that Aquarius rules.

Relationships will also be highlighted, and this Mercury Retrograde may trigger feelings around old relationships or issues that haven’t been resolved.

It’s not all bad, though, and it can also bring us much closer to understanding our closest relationships and move through any issues with clarity and positivity.


Important Dates During the Retrograde Cycle


February 8th – A PowerPoint

On this date, Mercury aligns with the Sun, which offers us a chance to receive new information or insights necessary for what we are learning about ourselves. We will get a boost of mental energy and self-esteem.

We may be able to see clearly the roots of our beliefs or habitual patterns of behavior and grow to understand ourselves on a profound level.

Understanding ourselves is also crucial for our relationships with others.

When we understand ourselves, it also allows us to create healthier relationships with others. This time can be crucial in helping us awaken to which partnerships are important to us and how are we tending to them.

February 13th – Mercury and Venus

Venus is very active during this cycle, which accounts for the emphasis on love and relationships.
It’s a good time to start journaling around these themes in order to look back at what was going on, come the end of the year when we experience Venus Retrograde.

Key Things to Remember During the Retrograde

  • Be ready to double-check technical details.
  • Don’t make any big electronic purchases.
  • Channel your patience and compassion when dealing with others.
  • Meditate and tap into your innate knowing every day if possible.
  • In conclusion, the best way to cope during this planetary cycle is to get in touch with your mind, meditate, and call upon your trusted friends, family, and community when you need extra support.

    Mercury Retrograde does not need to strike fear in your heart!

    When you know how to roll with the punches, you will emerge brighter, and better, and more in tune than ever.


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