понедельник, 15 февраля 2021 г.

Manifesting Through Chakras: From Crown to Root

Are you all chakra-ed out?

Chakras are our spinning wheels of energy that are located in various parts of the body.

They are very important in manifestation because when they become imbalanced, they can lead to physical and emotional suffering that will make you vibrate at lower frequencies.

On the other hand, when these chakras are in perfect balance, they can bring abundance, joy, and a lot of manifesting power.

We have seven chakras in the body:

  • Root Chakra/Muladhara: located at the base of the spine; when this chakra is balanced, you will feel supported, and you have a great sense of security. An imbalanced root chakra will make you feel fearful or anxious.
  • Sacral Chakra/Svadhisthana: Located below the navel and if balanced, you will feel joy and open to receive positive energies. When it’s imbalanced, a feeling of guilt surrounds you.
  • Solar plexus/Manipura: Located above the navel and when balanced, you will feel more confident. In contrast, a feeling of shame will be greatly felt when it’s not balanced.
  • Heart Chakra/Anahata: Located in the heart center and when balanced, you feel serenity and calmness. On the other hand, you will feel resentment or grief if it isn’t balanced.
  • Throat Chakra/Vishuddha: Located in the throat area, and when this is balanced, you will find yourself being able to express yourself freely and clearly. An imbalanced throat chakra will make you feel insecure and introverted.
  • Third Eye Chakra/Anja: Located in the middle of the forehead and when balanced, you will be able to listen to your intuition. When imbalanced, you will feel confused, and you will find it challenging to make decisions.

Manifestation Time!

Let’s start with being clear of your goal, of that one thing that you want to manifest.

This is going to take some time, so I encourage you to be patient.

As you become clear with what you want to manifest, you need to clear your crown chakra to connect your individual consciousness to the universal consciousness.

When you are firm with your goal, it’s time to put your third eye chakra to work, where visualization comes in. At this point, I want you to visualize yourself achieving that goal—in detail. Take a couple of minutes per day to do this. It doesn’t matter how many times you do this, but you need to be very clear with that picture in your head.

See it. Feel it. Smell it. Touch it. Even taste it.

As your vision becomes more evident, put them into words. Write them down, talk about it with someone, etc. Put your throat chakra into work, where your manifestation will start to take shape.

Be mindful, though. This is the point where a lot of people get stuck. Why?

It’s easy to dream and visualize, but it’s harder to express these visions out loud because of fear of knowing what other people think, and for many of us, we would like to keep our dreams and visions to ourselves because we feel safer by doing so.

However, there is so much power in words that they could turn ice into water, hot to cold, etc. When you put your dreams into words, your life will start to reflect it, and it will flow down into the heart chakra, where the power of love will boost it to manifest into your life.

As you work with the heart chakra at this point in your journey, show yourself love, even if you encounter setbacks. Stay kind to yourself, and you will be able to make it through.

Go with what you want to manifest day by day with love, and you will reach the solar plexus chakra, which is all about action. This is where you will take actionable steps to make your dream a reality.

And I’m telling you, it’s not going to be a smooth ride.

This is where the power of the sacral chakra will be necessary. It will allow you to think creatively to navigate smoothly in your journey and move around any obstacles that come your way.

Finally, you will arrive at the root chakra space, where you will see your dreams manifest in the physical world.

Go on, manifest something epic.


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