понедельник, 2 августа 2021 г.

Feel the Passion and Drive of Leo Season (July 22 – August 22)

Leo season is one of my favorite times of the year.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the height of Summer and the atmosphere is all about warmth, passionate energy, and enjoying life to the full.

As always, regardless of your sign of the zodiac, you will feel the energy of the prevailing astrological sign when the Sun visits it.

The Sun in Leo is particularly powerful as Leo is of course ruled by the Sun, and this brings a force of light, life, and energy to us all.

You can harness some of this big, beautiful Leo heart-centered energy for yourself and use it to make positive strides towards your dreams!

As we shift from the self-care and healing-oriented energy of Cancer season, we can use that to thrive in the vibrant energy of Leo season.

Leo energy brings courage (it’s represented by the male lion after all) and urges us to focus on our passions and biggest desires.

Leo is also all about self-expression and using your voice!

As a fire sign, Leo likes to charge forward with determination and drive.

If you could do with a little bravery and confidence in any area of your life, Leo season will help you connect to bold energy, and encourage you to use it as fuel for your passions and desires.

If you know how to harness the Leo energy right, you can use it to face challenges, tackle difficult tasks or conversations and empower yourself to make brave decisions about your life.

Leo energy helps boost self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love and magnetizes abundance towards you.

Here are some key ways to magnify and harness this powerful Leo energy in mind, body, and spirit.

Body and Fitness

Leo rules the back, heart, blood, and spleen. Those born under Leo have strong physiques, endurance, strength, and stamina.

The cosmic energy of Leo season wants us to focus on good posture, balance, and core strength.

With its positive, heart-centered energy any form of heart and chest opening Yoga postures are ideal.

Try the following:

  • Yoga Asanas
  • Cat / Cow
  • Dancer Pose
  • Upward Facing Dog
  • You can also choose fun dance classes (think Salsa, Zumba, or similar) for upbeat, joyful physical expression.

    Leo is a social sign, anything you do in a group will also be beneficial this season, whether it’s dance classes as above, or a hike or swim with friends.

    Mind and Spirit

    Perfect crystals for Leo season include:

    Citrine: The most positive, sunny crystal perfect for transmuting negative vibrations and bringing luck and abundance.

    Yellow Jasper: A protective stone, perfect for bringing your auric field into balance and bringing optimism.

    Sunstone: awakens you with the energy of the sun and brings passion, joy, and excitement.

    Carnelian: Vibrant and energizing, perfect for uplifting your spirits and healing the Sacral Chakra.

    Smoky Quartz: This one is good for balancing any overactive Leo energy. It helps you to release emotional stress and brings balance to all your chakras.

    Essential Oils for Leon season include:

    Choose citrus aromas such as Lemon, Orange, and Grapefruit and complement them with spices such as Cinnamon and Clove.

    When you blend oils this way and spray them on your body or use them in a diffuser, you create the perfect atmosphere for the fiery and vibrant Leo energy.

    Inner Work

    During Leo season you might feel drawn to adventure, an urge to explore and seek new experiences.

    You might also get a huge burst of creativity and feel a sense of expansion in all areas of your life.

    To make sure you are connecting with your passions, take time each morning to set an intention for the day ahead.

    Choose a mantra or affirmation such as:

    I am confident and creative, and I use my time to shine.

    Then try to check back in with that mantra as you go through your day to remind yourself that you have the courage and passion to see through any challenges or difficulties that arise.

    You might also consider creative exercises such as painting, writing, playing music, baking or dancing as an outlet for any extra energy and drive to channel your creativity.

    When you feel the urge to be playful follow it through and make time for activities that bring out your inner child and allow your inner flame to burn bright.


    Leo season brings wonderful manifesting energy for you.

    Now is an ideal time to get clear on intentions and make sure that your life is aligning with your highest vision for yourself.

    Ask yourself the following questions, and be very honest about how you respond.

  • What can you do to boost your intentions?
  • What small things can you do each day to prioritize your dreams?
  • In what ways are you keeping yourself small and holding yourself back?
  • How can you express yourself more clearly and step into your highest version of self?
  • It’s important to keep yourself on track with your desires, so don’t let the summer fun of Leo distract you from those important goals.

    Instead, use the energy coming at you from the cosmos to transform and transmute any insecurities, doubts, or fears and step into your true power.

    Use this season to tap into your brightest, most vibrant expression of self!


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