вторник, 27 июля 2021 г.

Perfect crystals for Leo season


Leo season is one of my favorite times of the year (July 22 – August 22)


Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the height of Summer and the atmosphere is all about warmth, passionate energy, and enjoying life to the full.


As always, regardless of your sign of the zodiac, you will feel the energy of the prevailing astrological sign when the Sun visits it. 


The Sun in Leo is particularly powerful as Leo is of course ruled by the Sun, and this brings a force of light, life, and energy to us all. 


You can harness some of this big, beautiful Leo heart-centered energy for yourself and use it to make positive strides towards your dreams! 

Perfect crystals for Leo season include:


Citrine - the most positive, sunny crystal perfect for transmuting negative vibrations and bringing luck and abundance. 


Yellow Jasper - a protective stone, perfect for bringing your auric field into balance and bringing optimism. 


Sunstone - awakens you with the energy of the sun and brings passion, joy, and excitement. 


Carnelian - Vibrant and energizing, perfect for uplifting your spirits and healing the Sacral Chakra. 


Smoky Quartz - This one is good for balancing any overactive Leo energy. It helps you to release emotional stress and brings balance to all your chakras. 


Essential Oils for Leon season include:


Choose citrus aromas such as Lemon, Orange, and Grapefruit and complement them with spices such as Cinnamon and Clove. 


When you blend oils this way and spray them on your body or use them in a diffuser, you create the perfect atmosphere for the fiery and vibrant Leo energy. 

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