понедельник, 1 февраля 2021 г.

Understanding the Important Link Between Energy and Money

The question of how to manifest more money is one of the most popular and

controversial topics I deal with. Pretty much everyone wants to manifest more wealth, but not everyone really understands the link between money and energy.

When we say money is really just energy, you must understand the importance of what that means on a deep level.

Money is the equivalent of energy that you have in your bank account. Financial common sense tells you not to just throw your money away, spending it on things you cannot afford or giving it all away when you know you won’t get anything in return. (I’m not referring to charitable acts, but to the hypothetical situation of just giving your money away and having nothing left to live off).

If you imagine money as energy, it can help to see where you are wasting that energy in terms of negative focus and the wrong direction. This is related to your thoughts, which are also made up of energy.

Everything you do in your life you are putting out energy for. Whether it’s working, talking to your friends, engaging in a political discussion, running, meditating, worrying, crying, etc.

So it makes sense that you need to take care of where your energy is being spent. For when you put out energy towards things that do not enhance your life, it is the same as writing a huge check for someone and just giving away your money with nothing back from it. You are little by little making a dent in your energy stores, leaving no time for the things that actually light you up and make you feel happy.

It’s wise to start reviewing what you are doing and how you are using your energy.
Your thoughts create your reality. So you need to watch what your thoughts are doing because that’s where your energy is being focused.

If you are scared, worried, depressed, or trying to change something in the world that you literally cannot change, that is a total waste of your precious energy.

Ask yourself whether or not what you are about to do is enhancing your life or using up your precious energy? If you are about to engage in a debate online of some kind, notice whether or not the conversation depletes you or leaves you feeling more positive. If it depletes you, you are misdirecting your energy. If you find yourself tired or irritable after certain tasks or situations, it’s depleting your energy, and that, in turn, is just creating more negativity in your life.

Of course, there are things we have to do that maybe don’t bring us constant joy, but we can still be mindful of how we approach them, and decide to not overspend our energy if it’s a draining situation.

When you ask yourself, is this thought going to make my life better or worse? You start to direct your actions towards things that actually help you to thrive, and you will start to create more space in your life for bringing your dreams into reality.

Think about what you really want to do with your life.
Do you know what your passions are?
Are you doing a job to “pay the bills’ but it’s taking up all of your time and energy? Well, obviously it’s great to be able to pay the bills, but you don’t want to be so sidetracked that you never get to focus on your passions.

For that reason, sometimes the path for you to manifest more money might not be the most obvious to you right now if you are currently mismanaging where you place your energy. If you believe that you can only receive more money through a bonus or a pay rise in your current job, you might not be seeing the limitless possibilities that are actually available to you.

If you get really good at using your energy wisely, you start to thrive in new ways, and your life purpose becomes clear. It involves a certain amount of faith and huge self-belief to take risks and follow your passions, but when you do so you reap the rewards.

Earning more money might not look like what you think it does. If you start following what you actually love to do, rather than what you think you should do in order to generate wealth, that might look crazy to other people observing you.

You might even step back from a secure 9-5 job with a steady wage in order to pursue your dreams, which will reward you with far more income down the line. This is the leap of faith people take when they know what they want to do with their lives, and they believe they can direct their energy that way.

That might feel like too drastic of a step, and that’s fine. It can be scary to make a decision like that at first. But make sure that you are directing your energy towards things that actually improve and enhance your experience of life and make you feel happy, no matter what your day-to-day looks like.

Once you do this regularly, you will be amazed at the things that start showing up, the space that is created for your dreams to thrive in, and the synchronicities, signs, and symbols that come your way from the Universe.

It’s like telling the Universe that you know you are worth more, you know your dreams can be reality and you are willing to flow your energy towards them consciously. The Universe loves that and will respond along that frequency.

The first step is in becoming aware of how you are spending your energy currency.

So remember to ask yourself.

  • Does this thought enhance my life, or does this thought impair me and my energy?
  • Pretend that you are living on an energy budget and become very aware of it.
  • Every time you use energy, ask yourself if it is wasted energy or if it will contribute to your life.
  • The more you follow what makes you feel good and helps you to thrive, the more radical your life will change and the more abundance you will receive.
  • https://manifestationmagic.net/understanding-the-important-link-between-energy-and-money/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl013021 

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