понедельник, 4 января 2021 г.

Prepare for Capricorn Season with Crystals, Yoga, and Essential Oils

Capricorn Season (December 21st – January 19th)

Here we are at the start of a new year and Capricorn season. Following on from bold, optimistic, and adventurous Sagitarrius, Capricorn will bring out the hard worker in all of us.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, also known as the planet of order, focus, routine, dedication, stability, and career goals and achievements. Astrologically speaking Saturn is also associated with destiny, karma, and time. It rules over our sense of duty, commitment, and responsibility.

This season highlights for all of us, the need for long-term goal making, high ambitions, and setting intentions for the new year ahead. It’s an ideal atmosphere for drawing on your persistence and will power, and whatever your zodiac sign is, you can harness the disciplined and ambitious energies of Capricorn and use them to your advantage.

Don’t forget time for self-love and self-care during this season of hard-work and goal setting. A balance is always necessary, and even more so during the “hustle” energy of January.

We should strive to find balance always. The following are suggestions for you to draw upon during this month to channel your inner Capricorn and tap into those hard-working energies without detriment to yourself mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Crystals for Capricorn Season

I recommend you read the following and then take a few minutes of quiet stillness to consider which energies you need to address personally during this time when you choose your crystals.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is all about taking exciting risks, following our dreams, and taking a leap of faith. Its lovely green color is also a connection to nature and the calming, grounding vibes of the natural world.

It brings harmony, and relaxation, and is ideal for rejuvenation and centering yourself.

White Howlite

This stone is incredibly calming and grounding. It can ease pain, help with stress relief and anxiety, and provide powerful energies for anyone feeling overwhelmed or tense. It’s an excellent crystal to meditate with and hold in your hand when feeling out of balance.

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian rebalances your energy and acts as positive protection from negativity. Its energies are about strength, resilience, and sticking to things with willpower, so it will enhance your Capricorn efforts to achieve your goals.

It’s also a great crystal for healing emotional blockages and any feelings of bitterness or resentment. It will help to bring out your best side and enhance feelings of compassion and empathy.

Yoga and Fitness Tips for Capricorn Season

Capricorn natives are usually seen as very diligent workers, and although they are resilient physically, they may also work themselves too hard, burning the candle at both ends and with a tendency for stress-related ailments and injuries as a result.

Capricorn rules the teeth, bones, and joints. If you tend to sit at your desk for long hours you might find that being too sedentary can cause problems.
Tension can also accumulate in the jaw and teeth (teeth grinding at night for example).

Weight-bearing exercises will help you a lot during this time. Any activities that help to increase bone density, muscle mass, and resilience.

You can even do weight-bearing with your own body weight, you don’t have to pick up heavyweights, the main thing is to be working against gravity.

All forms of movement such as walking, jogging, running, skipping, dancing and jumping.
Weight lifting
HIIT or Tabata workouts or Bootcamp
Power Yoga or Vinyasa Flows (any kind of flowing, rhythmic yoga)

The following yoga poses will also be wonderful for you:

  • Warrior Poses
  • Lunges
  • Mountain Pose
  • Chair Pose
  • Dancer Pose
  • Plank
  • Tree Pose
  • Try to aim for yoga at least 2-3 times a week combined with long walks/ runs and weight-bearing exercises.

    Essential Oils for Capricorn Season

    Capricorn is an earth sign, so woody scented essential oils are an ideal match for the season. They promote calm and groundedness and will bring a deep sense of relaxation.

    Use essential oils in a diffuser, dropped into a hot bath, or diluted in a water spray.

    Sandalwood – An ideal scent to accompany meditation, it’s woody and mystical aroma will relax you deeply after a long day.

    Eucalyptus and Tea tree – Perfect for stiff and swollen joints and overall calm.

    Cedarwood – grounding and earthy, it’s perfect for the respiratory system.

    Birch – with anti-inflammatory properties, it promotes relaxation and mind centering.

    This Capricorn season encourages us to assume responsibility for where we are currently at in our lives. We are made up of our decisions and the thoughts we have had up until now. Capricorn urges us to take control of our lives by acknowledging that and direct our energy, focus, and power towards what we want in the future.

    So enjoy Capricorn season and make sure you take care of yourself on all levels.

    Create a balance between productivity and relaxation, and you will reap the rewards of this season for the future.


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