понедельник, 18 января 2021 г.

Manifesting with Napoleon Hill

“To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.”- Napoleon Hill

When did you last connect with the Universe?

The quote above by Napoleon Hill will hopefully resonate deeply with you today.

When you are bombarded with life, and you find yourself unsure whether your path is the right one, you will feel a disconnection with the Universe.

A disconnection isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But if your life activities are not aligned with your true purpose, it leaves you feeling lost and hopeless.

Although there are many techniques in the Law of Attraction, writing down on paper is one of the best ways for those of you who feel scattered, torn, or are more introverted.

Writing is cathartic and puts the focus back into what you desire. When you see what you are writing, you are also visualizing it to happen.

And you can review it whenever you need to. But why should you review it? Because when you write, you will write down everything that pops up on your mind, including mental or emotional blocks you might otherwise miss – feelings of fear, insecurity, disbelief, or even self-criticism.

How to Let Go to Manifest Your Desires

So, Let’s get to work!

How do we start?

Let’s start by borrowing some quotes from Napoleon Hill and applying them to ourselves. We need to prep our minds before writing our successes!

“Success comes to those who become success conscious.”

1. Are you successful in your thoughts?

“Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.”

2. Keep mapping out your ideas and plans in your thoughts. Repeat. And then ask yourself whether your ideas and plans align with your purpose?

“A positive mind finds a way it can be done; A negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.”
3. Where is your mind heading? If you find yourself going down the negative route, go back to number 2 and try again.

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

4. See it. Feel it. Desire it. Will it. How intense is your fire of desire?

Now that you are prepped and ready, write everything down.

Start like this:

1. Write an affirmation or a quote at the top of your page. Choose an affirmation or a quote that resonates deeply with you.
2. In the next line, write your success or your desire.
3. Write down your plans. For example, what you will do to achieve them.
4. Do any negative words pop up when you are writing? That’s fine! Include those words around the page because we will come back to them.
5. When you feel your desire heating up, write what it is that makes your desire so intense.
6. End your letter with a Thank you to the Universe for reading your letter.

When you write this letter again, look back at the negative words in your letter.

Remember them when you go back to mapping out your ideas and plans. They are important matters to address because, to move onwards and upwards, you need to remove these blocks, no matter how trivial or unreal they appear.

2021 is Only the Beginning of the New You.


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