понедельник, 18 января 2021 г.

2021 Brings Fresh Energies and New Cosmic Alignments: What to Expect

Let’s take a look at an overview of the cosmic energies, alignments, and major

events of 2021.

This year we can expect fresh inspiration from the stars, new, creative energies, and alignments for 2021. The year will bring a certain amount of hope and optimism along with the usual challenges and opportunities for growth.

Be prepared for four eclipses and seven planetary retrogrades this year. In 2020 we had six eclipses, which is somewhat unusual and certainly in keeping with what was a year of immense change for the world!

While this year is a more “normal” year, it’s still important to be aware of what is going on in the skies, so you can plan and adapt accordingly…


Eclipses happen four to six times in a year and represent big change and transformation. They often bring things to a climax, revealing truths, and secrets or forcing us to acknowledge something hidden and confront our shadow side. If you have been stuck in a situation not knowing what action to take, an eclipse can force you to wake up and take action on a specific path. Sometimes, the power of an eclipse is not always felt on the day but rather some big life change occurs weeks, or even months after the actual event.

Eclipses should not be feared; despite their uncanny power to stir things up and bring change and transformation, they often help to clear the way for better days ahead and open space for something new.

There are two types of eclipses: Solar and Lunar.

  • Solar Eclipses – typically represent action (and male energies).
  • Lunar Eclipses – typically represent integration of experience (and feminine energies).
  • A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth, creating a shadow on the Sun.

    A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth passes directly between the Full Moon and the Sun throwing a shadow on Earth.

    This year we will have four eclipses, two will be in Fire signs, One in Air, and one in Earth with no eclipses in water signs this year.

    Eclipse Calendar 2021:

    May 26th: Sagittarius (Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse)

    Expect passionate emotions and fiery energy in general. Transformation can happen in regard to freedom, and expanding your perspectives and horizons in pursuit of your goals. A Blood Moon Eclipse hasn’t occurred since January 2019. It’s an ultra powerful and volatile eclipse associated with releasing, purging and cleansing.

    June 10th: Gemini (Annual Solar Eclipse)

    Expect changes in communication and thinking that might provoke confusion. Air sign eclipses can cause issues around memory and judgment.

    November 19th: Taurus (Partial Lunar Eclipse)

    Expect a shakeup in either your physical body, or laws, organizations and government structures. A feeling of insecurity will eventually give way to stability again.

    December 4th: Sagittarius (Total Solar Eclipse)

    This eclipse will close the Gemini/ Sagittarius Eclipse cycle that has been active since May of 2020, and it represents closure.

    Retrogrades in 2021

    What does a planet in retrograde actually mean?

    When a planet passes the Earth as it orbits the Sun, we say it is retrograde. That’s because from our perspective down on Earth, it is as though the planet is moving backwards, even though this is, of course, an illusion. When this happens, we say that the planet is going retrograde and for however long that lasts (a few weeks or months), we expect a little upheaval in the themes and patterns ruled by that planet.

    Typically speaking a planet in retrograde motion isn’t a wonderful time to start new projects or set intentions, but they can provide a supportive atmosphere for completing things or having a second go at something important to you.

    Mercury in Retrograde

    Probably the most famous of all retrogrades, Mercury has been journeying backwards in mainly water signs, however this year, 2021, Mercury Retrogrades will take place in air signs.

    Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are linked to our memory, thought processes and mind – the way we think about things.
    So with Mercury Retrograde in these air signs, the symbolism is linked to finding new ways to perceive the world, new ways to think and consider things and expansion of the mind. Perhaps on a personal level, this means breaking free of repetitive thoughts and habits.

    Mercury Retrograde in 2021:

  • January 30 – February 20 (Aquarius)
  • May 29 – June 22 (Gemini)
  • September 26 – October 18 (Libra)
  • Other Planetary Retrogrades in 2021

  • Venus: December 19, 2021–January 29, 2022 (Capricorn)

    An opportunity to review, assess and reflect on relationships, business and finances and to make changes in a new, favorable direction.

  • Jupiter: June 20–July 28 (Pisces), July 28–October 18 (Aquarius)
  • An opportunity to look within, reflect and feel your emotions deeply. It is the opposite of expansion and growth, but it can help you take control and eliminate bad habits.

  • Saturn: May 23–October 10 (Aquarius)

    A time to be cautious, responsible, and not take any big financial risks. Saturn retrograde can sometimes cause lack of motivation, so make sure you keep going with purpose.

  • Uranus: January 1–14 (Taurus), August 19, 2021– January 18, 2022 (Taurus)
    Can represent a problem with authority and a push towards individual freedom.
  • Neptune: June 25–December 1 (Pisces)
    Enhances spirituality and self-development. A time for reflective self-care.
  • Pluto: April 27–October 6 (Capricorn)

    Also concerned with spirituality and reflections on the cycle of life and death.

  • Check back in throughout the year for more detailed information on these planetary retrogrades, eclipses and other cosmic energies in order to arm yourself with knowledge and flow with the changes in our skies.


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