вторник, 29 декабря 2020 г.

The Final Full Moon of 2020 Symbolizes Home, Connection, and Kindness

Our final Full Moon of this year will take place on December 30th at 8 degrees in Cancer.

Home is, without a doubt the theme of this Full Moon.

The Moon is very at home in Cancer (Cancer is ruled by the Moon), Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac, and this year, 2020 was a number 4 year in numerology.

Number 4 represents the home.

This Full Moon in Cancer will shine with all its light and power this night, a huge, full, beautiful moon visible above us all.
It will represent the core essence of who we are and how we feel within ourselves.

It is here to remind us that we are all part of the same, larger Universe. We are all connected. We live together on One Planet and we share this home. Our home.

Following Jupiter and Saturn’s beautiful conjunction in Aquarius on December 21st, this is another step toward a whole new era, the age of Aquarius.

This Full Moon in Cancer speaks to love and kindness. It tells us to come together as a family.

Whether that family is blood, soul, spiritual, or whatever kind of family that makes sense to you. This moon serves as a reminder that we are part of the same whole.

The Moon always represents our emotions and our sense of safety and security.

This year has had such a relentless focus on that sense of safety and security, but this Full Moon comes to let us know we always have the power within to create our own sense of safety. Our own, loving home within ourselves.

This Full Moon calls us to go within to that home. To get still, calm, and introspective as we connect to that deep sense of self, our inner home.

This is a time to listen to what your body, mind, and soul are calling for.

What do you need to tend to holistically? How can you take this time to honor and listen to your own well-being, emotionally, spiritually, and physically?

Take time to listen to your needs. If you find it hard to allow yourself to be still, question why that is?

Are there things you believe other people can do, but you simply can’t? Take time for rest. Take time to tend to the parts of you that deserve your love.

This is a time to become very conscious of why you do what you do.

Why do you speak the words you do?

Are there ways in which you can become more aware of your habits and behaviors and make positive changes?

Why do you continue to work too hard, too late, and not get enough sleep?
Why do you eat the same food knowing it doesn’t do you any good?

These are the things to be aware of, not to feel bad about yourself but to have the insight and confidence to see them for what they are and choose to take another path. Choose to build another habit.

In terms of connecting with your family (whatever form that family takes for you), this is the perfect time to focus on ways to share, trust, and find mutual respect.

Sometimes we can get frustrated by our differences with others. We might have strong opinions about the way our friends or family are behaving, or what life choices they make, how they decide to vote, what they say and believe.

This year has highlighted polarity and divisiveness in a big way. This final Full Moon in Cancer reminds us to be kind and loving no matter what differences arise.

To respect our differences, knowing that we all belong to this same family here on Earth. Can you find ways to be loving and compassionate in the face of conflict and debate?

Can you find a way to respect others, even when you do not agree with them? There are always ways to connect and find love, and that’s another theme of this Full Moon.

No matter the hardships you may have faced this year, this final Full Moon urges you to let go of that weight, and find kindness, compassion, love, and that sense of home within you.

Cancer is a water sign and there is a strong sense of things being cleansed and washed away with this Full Moon. Whatever you have been lugging around can be set down now. Let it crash like a wave on the shore and flow away from you.

The more you focus on raising your vibration to one of loving-kindness towards yourself and others, the easier it will be for you to let that wave wash over you and cleanse you of negativity.

Any strong emotions that may arise will pass through you like waves. Let them flow and be on their way. When you connect to your inner, you can allow for anything to happen, knowing that you are grounded, centered, strong, and tranquil within.

Let this Cancer Full Moon shine a strong light on the path ahead into 2021.

It’s telling us to be ourselves.

It’s telling us to put down the weight, the struggle, and the pain.

And to walk forward into this new year with confidence, self-love, and compassion for all those in our soul family here on Earth.

Allow for the powerful moon vibrations to soothe you, and bring you home. Where you are always loved, where you are always authentic and you are always safe.


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