понедельник, 23 ноября 2020 г.

Turkey: A Symbol Of Abundance

A Thanksgiving feast wouldn’t be complete without a turkey.

But why is it?

One of the reasons the turkey has become a staple on Thanksgiving is that it is native to North America. Additionally, it was in 1853 when it was declared as a real holiday, which took place during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. It is to be celebrated every last Thursday of November.

However, three years earlier, just after Lincoln’s election, he had already started the tradition with Thanksgiving dinner that featured roast turkey.

There is really no single reason why turkey has become a staple because there are so many reasons. Also, it’s a giant bird that can feed a large group, which makes it a pragmatic choice during the holiday when every family member is in town.

Enough about why this bird is served on the table, let’s explore the symbolism of turkey in the spiritual world.

A Sacred Bird

When you look closely, you can see the magic in a turkey. This is why the bird is sacred in ancient Mexican cultures, such as the Mayans, Aztecs, and Toltecs. In these cultures, the turkey is honored for their beauty and confidence.

The Spirit Animal

The turkey, as a spirit animal, is associated with Earth and Nature. One of the reasons we believe turkey is served on the table during Thanksgiving is that the bird symbolizes abundance, which is very apt for Thanksgiving day.

Furthermore, it also inspires us to respect the sources of our nourishment, whether emotional, physical or spiritual. The turkey is a powerful guide that can help us unlock the fullness of life and be satisfied with the things that we currently have instead of continuously accumulating material things to reach a certain level of happiness.

When a turkey appears in your life (except on Thanksgiving!), it is a message to pay attention to the people who are in need that are around you. It is encouraging you to find ways to help those who are in need.

An Abundant Animal

It is undeniable that a turkey truly is a symbol of abundance. In fact, people who are born with a Turkey Totem know how to generate abundance not only for themselves but for their loved ones as well. Additionally, these are people who are generally financially secure who love to share.

The turkey is an encouragement to celebrate your resources that nourish your overall being. It is also an encouragement to cultivate harmonious relationships between you and the world.

It brings the message of unlocking the richness of your life that will let you appreciate everything in your life. The turkey highlights the true meaning of giving and receiving, as well as harvesting the rewards of your good deeds.

Do you see the turkey in a different light now?


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