понедельник, 5 октября 2020 г.

Use the Aries Full Moon Energy to Release Toxic Patterns

A warm welcome to October! 

A month traditionally related to harvest time and here in the Northern hemisphere, the ushering in of Autumn and the seasonal changes that brings. 

I love this time of year and especially the riot of colors as the leaves turn all shades of red, orange, and yellow. Watching them flutter down against the backdrop of a bright blue sky brings me such pleasure. I also take time at the end of my day to watch the first stars glow in the sky as dusk falls and wait for the moon to rise against that dark night sky. 

This month there are two full moons, which point strongly to the themes of clearing, releasing, cleansing and purging as October gets going.

The first full moon is the Harvest Moon and will take place in the sign of Aries on October 1st 2020. 

Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars; it represents the headstrong and passionate warrior and has strong individual energy. 

This suggests that this full moon may well bring tension, passion, and drama to our lives. 

We’ve seen a lot of that already in 2020, with much division, drama and heated emotions rising to the surface all over the world. 

This full moon potentially could amplify the situation. As Mars rules Aries, it also activates the Mars Retrograde which started on September 9th. 

Mars retrograde will act as a trigger to much of what we have seen play out this year globally. 

Fear, riots, uprisings and exposed corruption related to power, governments and politics are likely to continue. 

However, when toxicity rises to the surface, it means we have a chance to clear it energetically.

On a spiritual level, it’s helpful to consider that the dark events of this year have occurred for there to be huge positive changes in our world. 

This is a time of great transition, and while it might seem hard to understand why certain things are happening, as long as we are keeping a strong focus on higher frequencies, we can create a better world through a higher state of consciousness. 

This can also be true for you on a personal level. Do not despair at the headstrong energy of this full moon! It is not all tension and drama. 

The sun is in the sign of Libra, a symbol of balance, harmony and peace. We also have intense healing energy to tap into during this time projected to us by the asteroid Chiron, conjunct to this full moon. 

Chiron encourages us to keep our frequency high, our vibrations raised and to remember that there is always a much broader perspective to everything. Whatever dramas are playing out are but a small part of the much larger picture in our infinite and magical universe. 

There are always positive things waiting ahead for us, so despite any strong emotions, dramatic events or complicated feelings that you experience during this time, know that they are making themselves known to you in order for you to let them go, to cleanse and release them. 

What can you do to channel the best of this Full Moon Energy? 

Combine both the passion and warrior energy of Aries and Mars with the healing presence of Chiron and the balancing energy of Libra. 

  • Make a decision not to be sucked into drama, division or polarity. 
  • Keep yourself connected to higher vibrations. 
  • Be aligned with the best version of yourself. 
  • Channel your confidence and empower yourself. 
  • Decide where you might want to be more adventurous in your own life. 
  • Push your limits a little, where can you afford to step out of your box a little?


Try this Ritual for the Full Moon in Aries 

On the night of the full moon, try my short, healing and purging ritual. 

I suggest that you use the power and energy of this Full Moon to release the thing that has most been bothering you lately. 

  • Choose one thing, whether that be a person you wish to forgive or a habit, behavior or pattern you yearn to let go of. 
  • Sit where you will not be disturbed. If you have a calming area of your home where you can light a candle or burn some essential oils or incense, make use of that space now. 
  • Taking some deep, cleansing breaths, bring to mind the thing you choose to release with the energy of the Full Moon. 
  • Write down on a piece of paper, or in your journal, everything you are feeling about this thing. Get it all out, hold nothing back! No one is reading this except you. 
  • Exhaust the energy you have bottled up around this thing by dispelling it onto the page. 
  • Now, imagine that thing, person, habit or pattern, whatever it is – imagine it dissolving in front of you. You can visualize this as a puff of smoke, a melting, a disappearing bubble, whatever comes to mind. 
  • You are now going to burn that piece of paper (safely of course! so do so above a sink)
  • As you watch the paper burn into ashes, recite to yourself:

Beneath the silver light of this October Full Moon, I release all energies from this issue that no longer serve me. I cleanse myself from these blocks that hold me back and are no longer aligned with my highest self and my future path. I cleanse and release myself and my space from all darker energies. I am healed, I am light, I am cleansed. Thank you. And so it is. Thank you. Thank you. 

Have a wonderful Full Moon in October!


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