I bet some of you are feeling a little exhausted with the Law of Attraction.
Maybe you’re feeling like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t eradicate the tension you have around the topic of money.
That’s not surprising by the way!
Money and finances are a hugely triggering issue for most people in the world for obvious reasons.
Money plays a big part in our lives, and many of us reach adulthood with all kinds of negative money experiences.
Maybe you are tired of the anxiety that always comes up when you think about your paycheck, paying the bills or the debt you wish you didn’t have.
Maybe you feel nervous or stressed when you think about the things you wish you could do if you only had the money!
It can be very easy to go around in circles when it comes to the topic of financial abundance.
Let’s say you see something you wish you could buy, or you dream of taking a big trip or buying a new house. Depending on how much inner work you have been doing, the thoughts of pleasure and happy emotions that arise when you think about your desires can quickly turn to frustration and anger when you remember that you don’t yet have them because you don’t have the money for them!
I get it. Sometimes the effort required to release your anxiety and tension around these issues is simply too much.
You can get bogged down in negativity and fear.
When this happens, as it does to all of us, the best thing to do is to STOP and SURRENDER.
Let the topic go. You cannot force yourself into a higher vibration with your efforts and thoughts.
Let go of the need to make anything happen.
Let go of the focus on figuring stuff out.
Let go of the focus on figuring stuff out.
Let go of feeling bad because you don’t have what you want yet.
Instead, switch your focus and vibration purely onto you and your potential.
Take money out of the equation.
Decide to create a different, empowering reality.
Construct Your Reality In 24 Hours
Make a list of beliefs that you have about yourself.

On one side of the paper, list the things that empower you and fill you with excitement when you read them. These are the things that move you forward positively and give you courage, confidence, and motivation.
One the other side of the paper, list the beliefs you have that seem to move you away from your goals. The things that demean or demotivate you.
Make the decision to focus only on the beliefs that encourage and empower you for the next 24 hours.
If you find yourself beginning to doubt it, just remind yourself it’s for 24 hours.
When you work on improving your focus this way, you are improving yourself, you are adding to and enhancing the vitality and energy of your mind.
Think of the people that you admire in life. Make another list of those you respect and appreciate.
Why do you respect and admire these people? Do you think it could be because they are full of the positive energy of realizing their potential? Do these people live out their dreams for the most part?
How could you be more like them? What kinds of things do they do to live their potential?
Do they follow a certain workflow or routine? Do they speak or express themselves in a certain way? What can you notice about their success?
For the next 24 hours, you have a choice.
Will you continue to examine your untapped potential and let it bring you down, or will you push yourself just a bit and go after your dreams?
Your decisions lead to your destiny.
Sometimes, when you are waiting around for something magical and miraculous to happen, if you are not aligned vibration of magic, all you feel is bad. That’s when you know it’s time to create a bit of magic on purpose.
There is a difference between pushing and forcing an outcome and taking the reins of your life in a positive and inspired way.
A little motivation and fire are keys to your success. The prouder you feel about your own efforts the easier it will be for you to believe in your financial abundance.
It’s about confidence and courage.
It’s about pushing yourself a little to become a better version of yourself.
It’s about pushing yourself a little to become a better version of yourself.
Remember, this is just for 24 hours! You can go back to your old ways tomorrow.
But my guess is, you probably won’t want to.
You’ll probably get a taste for positive thinking and focusing on those beliefs of yours that make you feel good.
You might realize that changing up your routine or doing something radically different to normal was fun and revitalized your mind, body and soul.
There are always other ways of thinking and seeing. There are always new ways to live and be and experience life.
When things become stagnant, try this empowering reality again and again. The 24-hour rule keeps it manageable, it means that you give yourself permission to try because it’s just for a day.
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