Did you know that you can be great as long as you are grateful?
Gratitude can turn whatever you have into more than enough. You have probably heard or read about the ways how you can feel more grateful, but due to our busy lives, we tend to forget the fundamental laws of gratitude, thus, we miss out of their positive effects.
Here are the basic laws of gratitude:
1. Gratitude Attracts Gratitude
When great philosophers say “Be grateful for what you have, and you’ll end up having more,” it is true. A basic law of gratitude, if you want to have more things or people in your life to be grateful for, you need to be in a grateful state.
Just think about this—if you give a candy to a child and he doesn’t like it, he would naturally complain about it to you. In that case, would you be sincere to give him something that he wants? Of course not. A thing that is not appreciated should not provide a higher return.
It’s the same thing when you are looking for ways to be grateful for. If you only focus on what you don’t have, or you complain about them, then gratitude will be hard to come by.
2. Being Grateful Will Always Make You Happy
If there’s one secret to happiness—that is gratefulness. It’s impossible to genuinely appreciate a moment and complain about it at the same time. In order for you to be happy right now, you don’t need to look for more; instead, you just need to be grateful for what you have and be patient for what’s to come.
3. You Never Need More Than You Have Now

Instead of praying FOR things, why not give thanks for what you already have? Life, at some point, will always give you every reason to be negative. That’s part of it, and it’s all up to you to find positivity in it.
The thing is, there is always something to be grateful for. Most importantly, everything that you have right now is enough—even though it doesn’t look like it, but this is precisely what you need. Be grateful for that.
4. All Things Must Be Included In Gratitude
When it comes to feeling grateful, it’s not only about being grateful for the good things—you also need to be grateful for the bad things. All of the things, whether positive or negative, have paved the way for your growth and you must feel grateful for them.
5. What You’re Grateful For Now Can Change
Since we’re all humans, we really have no clue what’s going to happen tomorrow. That’s why you need to be grateful for what you have now. Eventually, the things you have now will become what you had. So, while it’s here, be grateful for it, appreciate its existence in your life, and be content.
6. Give Back
Another basic law of gratitude is to give back. Every day, you work so hard that you don’t realize anymore how much you receive than give. For the days when you struggle to feel grateful, simply give back. It could be as simple as calling a friend, helping a person carry his or her stuff, etc. The simple things that will let you give back will mean a lot that will make you feel more grateful than ever.
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