вторник, 17 ноября 2020 г.

Is It a Coincidence Or Synchronicity?

Have you ever seen repeated numbers several times a day? How about the times a

friend brought up a topic you’ve been thinking about for some time? These two are either a form of coincidence and synchronicity.

But what is the difference between the two of them?

What is a coincidence? It’s an event that happens in the outside environment that speaks to something inside yourself. On the other hand, synchronicity, which was originally dubbed by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, is when something happens that is connected to another aspect in your life with no provable material cause to it.

To put it simply, coincidence is “accidental” while synchronicity isn’t. In some cases, synchronicities may manifest itself as coincidence, but in reality, it’s only the top of a synchronicity “iceberg.”

When synchronicities happen in your life, it’s an extra nudge to find the right path. It can also be the Universe’s way of telling you that a specific path isn’t the right one to take. Most of the time, when the signs of synchronicity direct you towards a specific thing, that means it’s the one that is best for your fulfillment and well-being.

Some synchronicities that the Universe sends comes in these forms:

Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are repeated numbers, such as 11:11, 111, 555, etc. that is directly linked to Numerology. These numbers are messages from your guardian angels. It’s helpful to write down the repeated numbers every time you see them. From there, you will uncover a pattern that will guide you towards the right path. Be mindful as well of your emotions every time you see the number.


These are usually seen in dreams, but you can also see them in real life. If you can remember your dream the morning you wake up, take note of it. Dream symbols can be people, animals, places, objects, or visual patterns.

In your waking life, you may also encounter these symbols, which often have relatively apparent meanings.


Have you ever experienced seeing the same person over and over again? It could be a stranger or someone you know. There are times when you will keep seeing reminders of someone, especially a significant person from your past.

Keep in mind that these things don’t always mean you need to reconnect with someone. There could be different meanings behind them, such as the need to work through your old feelings for the person, etc.

In the case of coincidences, they are random and often don’t hold any special meaning, but events that only happen by accident and not something that is directly sent by the Universe.

If you want to see synchronicities in your life, challenge yourself to find it as much as you can. Tune into synchronicity and you will notice the signs start to appear. Synchronicities are useful because they guide you in your everyday life and point you in the right direction.


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