понедельник, 30 ноября 2020 г.

Attract Wealth With A Prosperity Grid

“I want to have more prosperity in my life!”

This is a common thing to hear, and it’s a valid wish; if there ever was a rule when it comes to the validity of wishes, this one is totally acceptable.

After all, who doesn’t want to be prosperous?

There are plenty of ways to attract prosperity into our lives, but for me, what works best isthe power of crystals and prayers.

You have probably heard of the crystal grid.

In fact, I have talked about it before here.

Now that we got that aside, I want to focus on the prosperity grid. The prosperity grid is for individuals who want to attract prosperity into their lives.

This prosperity grid will allow you to harness the energy of specific crystals to create an energetic frequency geared to your intention.

So, first, what are these crystals for wealth?

  • Green Aventurine: This is known as the gambler’s stone, which encourages a playful money mindset. It is also known as the stone of opportunity.
  • Citrine: This helps soothe anxiety related to money.
  • Tiger’s Eye: This helps build your motivation and confidence.
  • Pyrite: This helps remedy difficult financial situations and attract wealth.
  • Green Jade: An excellent stone for long-term financial planning. It has long been known as the stone of wealth and prosperity.

Now that you know which stones you need to create a prosperity grid, it’s time to build it.

  1. Decide on the intention you want tout out to the Universe. Is it earning $10,000 this month? Or is it to be able to close a specific project that will give you a lot of cash? Whatever the intention is, be specific.
  2. Prepare your clear quartz crystal stone and place it on the center of the grid. The stone will amplify your intention and will serve as the conductor of all the harmony in the grid. Ideally, the center stone must be bigger than all the other stones you will use.
  3. Clean and charge your stones before you create a prosperity grid. You can use sage, leave them under a full moon, or soak them in a sea salt bath.
  4. Cleanse the space where you will set up your prosperity grid. You can use either palo santo or a sage stick.
  5. Write your intention statement on a piece of paper, read it out loud, fold it, and place it where your center stone will be.
  6. Place your stones on the grid. While you’re doing this, hold your intention in your energy field and your thoughts.
  7. Activate the prosperity grid with the use of a quartz crystal point. Use your dominant hand, trace an imaginary line to connect the crystals to each other. Make sure to trace all of them—from the exterior to the interior.

Leave the prosperity grid for at least 40 days. Every three days, go back and retrace to keep the energy flowing.

… and there you have it, your very own prosperity grid!

But first, you need to keep in mind that crystals are sensitive, which means they can pick up environmental energies easily. Therefore, they can lose their effectiveness if you don’t cleanse the grid. Since you will leave the grid as is for over a month, it’s essential you cleanse it once per month by using smudge sticks.

You can use other tools to amplify your intention, such as candles, sounds, etc.

Personally, every time I create prosperity grids, I append it with a prayer ritual to boost my intention. I use the 7-day prayer miracle along with my crystal grid and trust me; it works wonders!

You can get the 7-day prayer miracle here.


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